How to keep New Year Resolutions?

Pair up with a friend.

Impromptu Dancing
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

I don’t mean joining a gym together, although that could be good. It’s important to make sure we reduce stress and not add to it. Particularly at this time, stuff happens. So I’ve decided to pair up with a friend on our resolutions in order to:

  1. Organize what my goals actually are
  2. Break them into meaningful and attainable goals that I want (read: need)
  3. Adjust them with her when new habits need adjusting
  4. Hold each other accountable (duh)
  5. Most importantly: keep in touch with my friend more regularly

Who are you going to pair with?



Impromptu Dancing
New Writers Welcome

Trying to convince myself I’m a writer. Pure joy: impromptu family dance parties.